Tuesday, April 1, 2008

33. Plan of Evasion

And so the saga ends. Not a very satisfying end, but any end is a good one when it comes to annoying running jokes.

Important news: I have calculated that I do approximately 8 strips a month on average. ( Excluding January and February while I was taking a brake. ) That amounts to just 2 strips a week, so I have decided I may make Plain Jeans a regular comic, updating on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Most other regular that can't manage daily update on Monday Wednesday and Friday, so this should fill the gap. Since twice a week isn't very much, I might do Saturday as well. So this marks the first ever comic to be regular. See you Thursday!

Edit: I just remembered that the date today is April 1st. No, this isn't an April fools joke. It would be pretty lame if it was.

Edit #2: BuzzComix has reset, because the month has ticked over. So, if you vote now it will have far more effect. We're currently 36th with only one vote! If you click the button to the right, and vote, you will get to read a BONUS STRIP!! I'm not sure you'll get the joke, though.


Phill and Melissa said...

Hi John
I always like reading PJ :)

Love M
PS you were on a break :)

Unknown said...

I was busy holidaying during January, and school was taking up time during February. But, the main reason was a ran out of enthusiasm. So now that I'm enthusiastic again, I feel like making a new one every day. ( If only I had enough jokes... )